Here is Rock showing off his new shirt that his Godmother Teri sent him from Switzerland ( I think is says “I am the little light (sunshine?) of the family” )

Here is Hannah showing off scarves from Paris France, sent Via Switzerland by Her Aunt Teri

I guess today was dress up day! Earlier, Melinda was dressed as a witch, but this time she is a bunny.

I don’t know where Melinda gets her hair… But it sure does wacky things. Actually, it is quite straight.. I think she will like it when she gets older. I predict that she will wear it long.

And, I received my prize for guessing the right answer to the trivia question on Teri’s blog ( Fines Swiss chocolates.. Which were quickly claimed by the women in my family. Thanks Teri. Put the chocolate in a envelope with Kathi’s name on it. What were you thinking? Next time a plain brown wrapper with my name only! 🙂

Posted on 15 May '04 by , under Uncategorized.