The Belizeian Manny is on his way to watch our children this summer.

Here is the path he will take to get here:

Van down the dirt road to placencia.
Boat about 90 miles to a port in Guatemala.
Cab to the bus station.
Bus to a small town in Guat.
Cab to the small airport.
Airplane to Atlanta.
Try and find Ed in Atlanta.
Drive to North Augusta, SC.

At this time today, he should just be getting off of the Boat.

He estimates the trip will take 27 hours.

He said he is already tired, because he couldn’t get to sleep last night.
Actually, to quote him:
“well it is 3 and I can’t sleep — dreading the adventure —– almost as many weak links today as Apollo 13”

He will be fine. We will be traveling to Atlanta tomorrow morning~!

Posted on 22 May '09 by , under Uncategorized.