I am honored with y’alls dedication… I looked at the web page statistics (you can see them here If you like, click on the month to see details) and it appears the Elser family blog has a respectable following… >700 hits last month. I don’t have it listed in any search engines, and as a matter of fact, I have it excluded in my “robots.txt” file. What’s that, you ask? Well, all of the legitimate search engines will not index directories that you ask to be excluded from the search engines, and the “robots.txt” file is how you do that.

If you want to have a little fun, you can go to other peoples web pages and look at what THEY are trying to hide, by putting in “www.xxx.com/robots.txt” .It can be fun sometimes.

For instance, here is Ebay’s robots page. You just have to wonder why the “Disney” directory is excluded…

Oh well, enough techy stuff, Here is a silly picture for a Monday.

Posted on 17 May '04 by , under Uncategorized.