We went to Melinda’s 2nd grade graduation today. It’s sort of an awards day. She was sick one day, so she did not get perfect attendance. However, she was one of 4 kids to get straight “A”s in her class! Way to go Melinda!!
(Pictures to follow)

Also, I would be remiss if I did not mention that Rockwell was the only one in his class to get perfect attendance.. Lets see if he can keep that up for 12 more years! (ha) I would have had some pictures of Rockwell’s “graduation” but the camera batteries and I are not getting along.. (grrr)

Posted on 2 June '09 by , under Uncategorized.

One Comment to “”

#1 Posted by momv (12.06.09 at 16:26 )

do they graduate every year?