I was just reading the mom blog entry about video games.. and all of her comments are from kids saying “VIDEO GAMES ARE NOT BAD blah blah”
No, they are not inherently bad. just like guns are not inherently bad…

The problem is abusing them is the norm, not the exception!!

I took Rockwell to the BMX park this weekend. Actually, I took all the kids to the BMX park.. they all rode their bikes and played and we raced. (I can beat them all, even with a 1/3 track lead.. we will see how long that will last! ha.)

I am posting this for one reason.

Man, I am so proud of my kids. They love doing stuff.
Kathi might have a different story, being with them more during the day, but my kids have no interest in video games. or Cable. (OK, I did hear a grumble, just recently, about cable.)

It’s just not a real subject in our house. How great is that? I know it wont last forever, and perhaps it shouldn’t even, but I am so happy we have even gotten this far.
I love my kids.
They are the best.
Hey, I’m allowed my opinion. (smile)

Posted on 6 January '10 by , under Uncategorized.

One Comment to “”

#1 Posted by Core (16.01.10 at 14:42 )

Kudos to you and your kids for actually GOING to the BMX park instead of playing a BMX video game. Now they have memories instead of…well, what do you gain from playing video games?