Well, here is what happens when I skip posting for a day or two… I end up having a surplus of pictures.. Its feast of famine, I tell ya’

Anyway, I mailordered this Tee Shirt for M when she was a baby, but it now fits her…

Here are my babies trying to get a way from me. (notice the car over R’s shoulder… Thats his gift from his Godfather, C. He loves it.)

Here is K and R at our friends D and T from W (where it snows) They moved to our state two years before we did. K went to high school With T.

Here are the newest members of our family, Kiwi and Azul. Azul is my Fathers day gift…And Kiwi is the bird from our church preschool. Sort of a sad story, The School closed because the director died, and no one took the bird… So, here they are. Azul keeps Kiwi company.

Here is a picture that just showed up on my camera.. sillyness.

And here is a picture H took of Dad at the computer.

Posted on 20 June '04 by , under Uncategorized.