Arthur needed some help installing a new thermostat in his icecream machine, So the kids went swimming while I worked.

Sorta cool with the barn in the background and what-not ehe? You can just imagine how many kids have swam in this pool over the 40+ years it has been there.

On the walmart diaper front:

K won the war!

They have changed the tab on the diapers!! It took 6 months of incessant pestering, but they just sent us another case of diapers, and this time, the tab has been replaced with a soft one just like the 2 year old diapers!!

K also got a 100$ gift card as hush money I suppose.

I am so proud of her. She really was NOT going to let this go. I think they knew it!

K said if she had a clear picture of R’s bloody leg, she would have taken them to court for some serious money, and then donated the winnings to a children’s charity.

But the darn digital picture was unusable. No flash at the time. Bummer.

Posted on 29 June '04 by , under Uncategorized.