Chicken Mistakes

Like Tammy said. this blog might become a chicken blog for a while.

so, I think I’m going to start numbering my mistakes, because I know there are going to be plenty, and it should be humorous.

So, mistake #2 was using a open watering bowl.. they walk, poop, and scratch into it.

Mistake #3 was thinking I was going to get the dogs to behave around them easily. I have not given up, but I don’t trust GiGi around them. so, so far I have not had them both out at the same time unattended.

Mistake #4 is the biggest one so far.. It would appear, if Kathi’s observation is correct, that one of our “hens”, the big guy, is a boy, not a girl!

Im sure there are dozens more mistakes to come.

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Posted on 30 August '11 by , under chickens.

One Comment to “Chicken Mistakes”

#1 Posted by Tammy (31.08.11 at 09:29 )

Yeah, the pooping in the water drove me crazy when they were tiny and still in the house. It didn’t matter what I did to set it up off the bedding, they kicked shavings into it, and finally took to sitting on top of the mason jar and pooping directly into the water dispenser at the bottom. I’m happy to report that they seem to have gotten that under control, and I rarely see poop in the water anymore. We use a regular water dispenser, and set it on top of a landscaping block inside the coop, and also a larger water dispenser on the ground in the run. Our dog is fairly well-behaved around them. Sometimes she still tries to get them to play chase in the yard, but she doesn’t try to hurt them. I like having a rooster around, although he still hasn’t figured out that crowing is for morning. I wouldn’t say he’s outwardly aggressive around kids or the dog, but he’s definitely protective of his girls. After the fox attack, we also stopped clipping their wings, should they ever need to escape again! We need to be better about letting them out to roam the yard more often. It took all of three days for the grass in the run to be scratched to death. I guess it’s worth having to deal with chicken poop on bare feet to give them some freedom.