Archive for 'Holidays'


Hannah and I went to a Christmas party last night. There where a couple other High school age boys there, one of them a exchange student from China. Hannah hung out with them, as she realized they where also fans of “LP”, or “Lets Play”. This was a TIL for me.. LP essentially is a recorded walk-though of a video game with narration. (It’s not quite that simple really.. there is more to it than that) There are a number of youtube channels that have thousands of fans, and that (LP) is ALL these people will do… This is a seachange of entertainment, and its under the radar… I bet you didn’t even know it was a Genre of new fiction, did you. I would guess it almost might fall under Fan Fiction. And if you don’t know what that is, you gotta catch up.

Anyway.. So, you would think that Hannah might be self conscious around boys her age.


The exchange students Dad had recently sent some Chinese snacks to him. One of the snacks was simply “chicken feet”. Just like we have vacuum packed whatever, these things came in a commercially labeled, vacuum packed foil package. So the mom of the house offered one to the boys and they said “uhuh, no way, I don’t want to try that.” so the mom offered it to Hannah, and Hannah looked a little sideways at it….  and said “Sure!” And proceeded to try it.  The adventurous soul she is showed those boys who’s the BOSS.

Anyway,  I dedicate this awesome quote to Hannah:

Here is to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes the ones who see things differently -they are not fond of rules- You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can not do is ignore them because they change things, they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. -Steve Jobs


Posted on 8 December '12 by , under Holidays. 1 Comment.

Halloween Night.

A slightly blurry picture of M and R ready for halloween night in the VI. Or is that a ghost blurring the picture?


Hannah went to a costume party at a friends house. I was not invited.. 🙂

I did not get a picture of her though.. I hope one of her friends did.. 🙁

I am sure she had fun hangning out with her friends from school.

Posted on 1 November '12 by , under Activities, Holidays. No Comments.

From the Archive

I just found this picture of the girls. It was around July of 2007. Melinda was really enjoying the fireworks from our driveway. The shrapnel was falling into the yard as we watched.. That is what is in her right hand. (its a long story, but our house is within 300 feet of where they launch them…) That is Dales arm and Foot to the right.

Posted on 26 September '12 by , under Activities, Holidays. 1 Comment.

Ed is home: Time for some pictures.

I’m just going to highlight a couple pictures.. I took over 100 of them, but here are half a dozen exceptional ones.

We started our trip by driving down to Florida to fly out of Miami. (The tickets where significantly cheaper from there as apposed to Augusta) So on the way down, we had to stop to see Kennedy space center. We got to the KSC an hour early, (we had 8 hours to get to Miami~4 hours away)

They open at 10am.. that’s OK, we will wait. The kids donned some skates and had some fun skating in the very empty and very large parking lot.

About a half hour in, I said to myself.. ” um, how much are the admission tickets anyway?” So I walked up to the gate.. 44$ for kids, 55$ for adults?? Are they crazy? I guess if I was going to go there all day, but not a chance for a hour or two. So we went to search for some freebies. We found this Mercury Redstone rocket in a NASA office parking lot down the road.

OK, so we got through the airports, OntoSt Croix, and eventually, to the beach! (OK, I know I skipped a bunch of steps.. sue me)

I thought this nannyrama was pretty cool. Hannah is on the right.

one of the sights we visited was at the Eastern most point of the Island, and technically, within a mile or two of the easternmost point of US property… I gotta say, this was cool. the Easternmost antenna of the VLBA!

We got a little closer, and I got Hannah in the picture.

Then, on the last day, we went to a Boxing Day celebration at a camp on the west coast in the rain forest. On the way there, no big deal, we just came across a 10 foot long, 200 pound Boa Constrictor.

We finally got to the camp. Its actually owned by a neighbor of kath and the kids. Here is the food line.

At that camp, they had a cool turtle sanctuary. Are my kids afraid of nature? I don’t think so.

I will load more later. Glad to be back. I will miss the kids, but I think the adventure will be worth it for them.

Posted on 27 December '11 by , under Activities, Holidays, vacation. 2 Comments.

Another nice picture in St Croix


This is a view from the apartment. It overlooks downtown Christianstead.

Lots of Lutheran churches here, BTW… And Verna asked about the kids being happy here;  I think they are. they made friends already, and I think its  going to  be a grand adventure if they behave. I hope they don’t drive Kath crazy.. that would make the adventure not as good.

I’m going home tomorrow morning… My adventure is almost over.

Wait till you see some of the pictures we took today! A huge boa constrictor, some cool turtles,  a wild Iguana, all in one day.


Posted on 26 December '11 by , under Holidays, Uncategorized, vacation. 1 Comment.

Christmas in St. Croix

We spent Christmas together in St. Croix USVI this year. When I get back I will load pictures.. (slow connection, and.. I cant get my pics off my camera. 🙁 )

Here is one from Kath’s facebook;

Sorry Kath, you will have to wait for me to get home to see one with you in it.

I have some good ones!

Anyway, looking forward to being back and getting some work done. Not looking forward to being away from the kids. I’m flying out tomorrow morning.

Anyone want to give me a ride from Atlanta?

Kath has an account on this blog now, hopefully I can talk her into posting from here.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. See you soon.

Posted on 26 December '11 by , under Holidays, kids, Messages to friends and relatives., seasons, vacation. 1 Comment.

Christmas parade and more

Hannah marched with the band in the North Augusta Christmas parade. Unfortunately, because of my lame camera, this is the only picture I have of her. arrg.

Melinda was in the parade also! She was in a “step” group from school.

And, we visited Santa again this year. I can’t tell you what I wished for. It might not be granted if I do.


Posted on 12 December '11 by , under Activities, Holidays, school. No Comments.

Holloween 2011 (re?)visited

OK, Here are some pictures I did not show you from Halloween this year.. these pics where stuck in my camera in the resident memory, and did not come out when I downloaded the card.. Better late than never?
Here is Hannah’s costume.. Again, she takes her costumes to a special level…

I don’t think Melinda has scary in her… Remind me of that comment a couple years from now. She will prove me wrong I’m sure.

Here is just a cool picture of the day (or night as the case may be) All the pictures get bigger if you click on them.

Posted on 8 December '11 by , under Holidays, kids. No Comments.

North Augusta Middle School Band Christmas concert

Hannah performs in Concert band as they perfrom a Christmas medley.

Posted on 7 December '11 by , under Activities, Holidays, kids, school. No Comments.

Memorial Day

Rockwell at the memorial park. He will appreciate the significance one day. Today is not the day.. Memorials are just cool things to climb on..:)
It occurs to me that this is a memorial to the confederate soldiers, and not really the union soldiers. Sort of an interesting concept, no? This is not a memorial to my union ancestors. I have to go north for that.

Here is to all of the people that have sacrificed in so many ways for the “American way” May their sacrifice not go to waste.

Posted on 30 May '11 by , under Holidays, kids. No Comments.