Notice how he looks to where he wants to go in the turns, not to where his bike is heading. This is very important to do.
Actually, everything he does here is right. He takes the straight line everywhere, he dominates the middle of the track in the straights, he does not bother to look to see where his challenger is.
So, here is some news.
Kathi is going to the virgin Islands! (St Croix)
To work.
Yep. She is going to be a OTA in the St Croix School system for this school year. The kids are are staying here until the Christmas break, then will transfer to the St Croix school system for the rest of the year. If she finds it exceptional, I will follow. If not, she will come back to SC at the end of the school year with some “school experience”.
That is really what this is all about. You cant get in to the school systems without experience, you cant get experience…. yadayada.. catch 22.
I think it will be fun. An adventure for the beginning of 2012. At least it looks like I will be spending Christmas in the Caribbean. That cant be all bad!
Melinda took her chicken to church yesterday. (Actually, just Sunday school, she had to leave it in the car during church.) Rockwell was upset he could not take his.. “one at a time, she asked first”. sigh. What strange problems I have. Anyway, it was calm and caused no issues. actually, since she had it wrapped up, you did not even know she had it unless you where paying attention.