Archive for August, 2008

This week was a thing called “paddlefest” on the savanna river. Work gave us a 200$ budget to come up with an entry.. well, no one in the newsroom wanted to do it, so promotions talked the engineering department to come up with something. And here is that something! For 5 days notice, I think it turned out pretty good! this is the first time it ever saw water! (Click picture for video)

We went to a friends Birthday party this week at Chuck E cheese. I was all the usual token induced fun.
It was not that easy to get 4 people in this picture!… trust me.

Rockwell figures out a way to get a great score.. bring the balls directly to the hole. sorry Rockwell, illegal move.

I don’t know why I would take a picture of Hannah counting her tickets… but Im glad I did.

Because this was the first one I tried taking! This little boy JUMPED into the picture at the last second.. it was pretty funny.

Posted on 30 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Lst week was the first week of school.. It seems to be a ritual for many to walk the first day. We leave out alone:

And the closer to school you get the larger the crowd gets! It only happens the first day. Practically nobody ever walks again the whole year. too bad. We join two other families in the neighborhood and walk every Friday. We started last year, and everyone enjoyed it so much, we are doing it again this year.

And, what seems like another August ritual, one of the kids finds an abandoned baby squirrel, and brings it into mom. GiGi does not know what to make of it.

Here is a video of Hannah sparring with a young purple belt. I think she held her own. That little kid’s not to bad either.

Posted on 28 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

You know, its interesting how many different types of bugs you come across when your paying attention.
Here is a Black Widow that my FIL saved for us. He found it in his garage.

And I found this one at the transmitter site yesterday. Its called a “Cow Ant”, or “Velvet Ant” but its actually a wingless wasp. They are quite pretty, but they have a really nasty sting. In reading up on this guy I found out that slaves hated them, because it was common to step on them in the cotton fields, and they typically did not wear shoes.
Interestingly enough, this ones “shell” is the hardest one I have put a pin through yet.. including the beetles. It was hard to do!
This guy is pretty big at about an inch long.

Posted on 13 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. 2 Comments.

I should mention that the Golden Silk Orb Weaver (some people call it a banana spider) does bite, but only if you bug the heck out of it (pinch it) and they say it’s less painful than a bee sting.
Can anyone say “pet spider”? 🙂

Posted on 12 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. 1 Comment.

OK.. when you say you have big spiders around your house.. is this what you mean by big? (I’m afraid that, after this picture, My niece Stephanie is never going to visit us in SC)

Golden Silk Orb Weaver or, more properly, Nephila clavipes, Is the largest non-tarantula spider in north America.

This fine 7 legged specimen ( lost its leg before I got it) was found in my Father in Laws back yard this weekend. believe it or not, there were a dozen more, and, I kid you not, this was not the largest one!

That is Rockwell’s hand.

We went to Folly beach this weekend. It was a beautiful day for being at the beach! (click for Nannyrama)

Hannah caught this guy (Eastern tiger swallowtail, or Papilio glaucus) with her hands!

Posted on 11 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

While Kathi was out with the girls, the boys went to play in the fountain.
When we got there, the water was off! Evidentially on Saturday mornings, they have a farmers market type of event, so they turn off the fountain. but this was 2pm, and rumor had it a guy from the city would come around and turn it on. IN the mean time, Rockwell was hanging out in the 100 degree sun like it was nothing. I tend to stay in the shade.

Ah yes, the water that refreshes. And it was nice.. I got in too after I set the camera down.
This is how we celebrated Rockwell’s cousin Shel new uncle James’s wedding! Congratulations you guys.. looking forward to visiting in Georgia.

Click picture for a short QuickTime movie.

Posted on 5 August '08 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.