Academics and BMX
Not combined, just in the same post.. although.. It could be combined! There is a lot of physics going on in BMX!!
This week, My BMXers Melinda and her friend Hannah were inducted into the Jr BETA club. A club for academic excellence.
Here we are heading for the BMX track! Melinda’s bike is on the left, Rockwell’s is in the middle, and Hannah Jr’s is on the right. I think the bikes on the back are probably more valuable than the car they are mounted on! Interestingly enough, I can put two more bikes on there..(between the other ones, with the front wheels up on the car itself.) I want to get Hannah out on the track.. That would make 5 of us! then all we would have to do is to squeeze into the car! lol.
We went to tacobell recently.. Rockwell managed to win free food three times in a row. Quote: “Heck, I can do this professionally!”.
Melinda won second place in the REGION for her Science fair project on Sugar and rockets. Impressive!
And We had ULTIMATE Pi day this week! cant forget that!
Also, I did a Science and Math day Demo at North Augusta Elementary school. I did a demo on coding and “robotics”. I had the kids change things in the code, and then we watched what happened to the game we were working on, or the “robot arm”.. sort of neat. Worked out well, and the 3rd graders soaked it up!