Hannah Awards Night

It was senior awards night at Fox Creek High school. But Hannah did quite well for a freshman! She received the following awards:

Recognized for placing third out of all the local schools in a (previously mentioned in October) writing contest.




To be honest, I was most impressed by this award.. simply because after the teacher mentioned that the tutors are selected from the NHS students, she singled out Hannah as always being available for her, and being extra helpful. No one else got an award like this.




Hannah was one of 24 students (out of 70 that attempted) that where actually published in a book of student poetry. Ill have to get a copy of it and scan it! Ill also get a link in case a grandparent or godparent feels like buying it ..






And the official Beta club certificate. I always thought the initial photocopied job was sort of hokey.. this is the real thing.. “suitable for framing”!


Posted on 23 April '13 by , under school. 2 Comments.

End of school awards

Well, At least I can show you Melinda’s awards. Melinda really shined in school this year. She received ALL A’s..

She was also the student of the year in her classroom, I beleive it was for being the organizer of all the classroom plays they did. Each friday they would put on a play. I am sure 3rd grade is going to be a memorable experience for her, simoply for that reason alone.

And, I have another reader on my hands. perhaps not as enthusiastic as Hannah, but she is definitely into it! Which makes me happy. 🙂

I will collect the other kids awards and show them next.

Way to Go Melinda! I’m so proud of you.

Posted on 29 May '10 by , under kids, school. No Comments.