Hannah caught Primo, Arthur’s turkey. He really is quite friendly. He still seeks Arthur out, and sits on his lap. Right now he hangs around in the woods with some other turkeys Arthur got.
I caught this one just by luck.. Rockwell kissing one of the chickens. We really are quite fond of them.
I don’t know why I find this so entertaining, but I do.. It’s so funny watching the chickens chase after these bugs!
Last night Was Rockwell’s first “official” race as a NBL member. He did really well! He is down to 1 minute from the gate to the finish line.. If that does not mean anything to you, consider that that is my same pace! I can’t believe he is already as fast as I am.
Like Tammy said. this blog might become a chicken blog for a while.
so, I think I’m going to start numbering my mistakes, because I know there are going to be plenty, and it should be humorous.
So, mistake #2 was using a open watering bowl.. they walk, poop, and scratch into it.
Mistake #3 was thinking I was going to get the dogs to behave around them easily. I have not given up, but I don’t trust GiGi around them. so, so far I have not had them both out at the same time unattended.
Mistake #4 is the biggest one so far.. It would appear, if Kathi’s observation is correct, that one of our “hens”, the big guy, is a boy, not a girl!
OK, That title is odd.. but those are the subjects here.
The kids started 3rd, 5th and 8th respectively, and, we now have chickens!
Rockwell, practicing BMX.. He’s obsessed.. He will cool of a little I’m sure. Although.. Melinda was impressed with that trophy he brought home, she wants to go the the track and see what she can do now… Hopefully we will have two racers in the family!
A pose with his nameplate with his official number! the bike is a loaner.. its a nice one, but I don’t have 500$ to get one.. he will have to wait on that.
Melinda, posing one of the chicks we got.. These chicks are called “golden nuggets”. (I just “found” this picture on my phone.. Melinda posed it on her own.)
Ok, so I was inspired by Luke an Tammy.. Hmm. Inspired or just jealous. Not sure.
You can see the coop I built in the back of the shed. I either need to let them out in the yard, or build them a run.
Kathi said “the back of the shed? Why cant you make a cute one like Luke did?
My response was: “I did, its hung up in a tree and the kids play in it. When they get older, its coming back down and will have chickens in it.” Until then, it’s the back of the shed for them.
I like the “chickens running around in the yard” idea, but the run might be lazier.. I mean easier.
In my first lesson on what I don’t know.. I HAD to get three different age groups. So, sure enough, the older one (a “Jersey Giant” picks on the middle one, (a “Dominique”.. a lot like a “barred rock”) which picks on the chicks (the “golden nuggets”)
“Hmm, I think I will pick on the chick for sport!”
Rockwell holding his (adolescent) “Jersey Giant”, while some friends holding Hannah’s Dominique. They gave them names.. I’ll have to post them later.
I think Rockwell needs a lesson on holding a chicken. I have to admit.. chickens are friendly! And soft, and they even smell good. They seem to make exceptional pets. Who knew.
First Day of school! We did our usual “first day of school walk” again, this time some neighbors joined us.