Dang girls, you’re smart!
<beware; parental boasting ahead>
Umm.. so, Hannah got her Iowa test scores in the mail today. I suppose taking standardized tests has to get old after a while.. Except when you get scores like this. I knew my oldest was pretty bright, but goodness, with NPR’s like that.. It’s pretty special, I would say. Unfortunately, she was not in school when they did the Science section. Hannah was not happy about that when she found out, because science is important to her.
And not to be outdone, Melinda’s Composite total NPR was 98%… But I have to find her score sheet to show you. I mean… seriously.
You know that saying/joke: “kids, move out and get a job while you still know everything”? I might have to reconsider that. I am starting to think they probably are smarter than me…