
Well, had an Issue with the Blog.. for a second O thought it was corrupted.. That would have been VERY BAD. Nothing like making sure I back it up occationally.

But, as a makeup, here are some pictures from my work hard drive from late last year.


Rockwell giving his cousin a ride on the honda.

Picking up a half pipe! We are taking too long to put it together.. we are not done. Therefore we cannot SKATE.

Melinda working on her Sci fair project.

The metals to test! she is going to measure how fast heat travels though each of these types of metals.

Just a IR Picture of Melinda working on her project!

I went to an art show.. “SEEDS”. One of the artists had produced a number of Guns with social statments imprinted on the side. I made Like I was shooting one. 🙂

Rockwell volunteered to help with the NAMS Robotics club. they had a Lego League meet to compete. They did OK considering!

My Buddy Wes at the NA Christmas parade being a joker. As per usual.

Posted on 22 February '17 by , under Events, kids, school. No Comments.

Math and Science.

The kids were just talking about math.. not homework, not any specific problem, Just an older sister saying “Hey have you done this yet” to her little brother, and him showing what he knows. This was the scrap paper left over from the conversation.

Rockwell was one of 2 8th graders who Volunteered to help with the 6th grade “FLL”.. (First Robotics Lego League). Good kid. 🙂

Posted on 20 December '16 by , under Events. No Comments.