Sometimes I don’t post because there is a dearth of information.

But this time I haven’t posted because we have been too busy!

Sunday we went to the Circus. (again) Barnum and Bailey came to town, so we went. It was quite a polished show, not as earthy as the other one this year, but quite entertaining. I got some free tickets from work… However, they must think they are going to make all of their money on the klotchkes… They were so expensive!!

A small cotton candy was 6 dollars!! a large was $11!! What the?? The lighting toys were no lower than 15 dollars, and they had a scam going where they advertised special sno-cone cups for 7 to 9 dollars, but they failed to mention that the snocone that goes in them were $3!! So the bill was no lower than $10 for a lousy sno cone.

I had a pocket full of money, and didn’t spend a dime.

At the end, I found a manager and showed him the 100 dollar bill in my pocket and told him I didn’t spend any money, because the prices were beyond reason.

Pictures of the circus to come later…

Sunday afternoon Grandpa Sideikas visited. He rode the sportster from Charleston. The guy has an Iron Butt.

Tuesday, I had to go to Charleston to get kicked off a grand jury (media people just do not get picked to serve on juries.. go figure) So, I took an extra day off work and we went to the beach. We figured we would catch some decent sized waves from the remnanats of hurricane Alex, and we were right! That was quite fun.

(for more of these pictures, check out the cell phone picture page at

Then, On Wednesday, we had movie night at church again. This time we watched the commercial mouse’s “Dumbo”. It was fun.

Any one recall the mouse’s name?? It was “Thomas T. Mouse”

There really were some adult themes in this movie (As it seems the commercial mouse seems to insist on in just about all of his movies… sheesh.)

Here are the “elephants on parade”, part of the pink elephants that Dumbo and Thomas mouse see when they get Drunk off their butts. Anyone remember where they wake up with a major hangover?? Tell me on the debate page.

Today we went to a local churches luau summer party for the mothers morning out kids. It was quite fun! Here are R and M watching their big sister go down the slide.

And here is a quicktime movie of H going down the slide

Did I forget anything?? hmm. No. Other Than I got a call from Cousin Roy Elser giving me an update on the genealogy search, that is always welcome!

Posted on 5 August '04 by , under Uncategorized.