
I bet the kids would love to hear from you:

Their new address for the next six months:
6080 Questa Verde
Christiansted, VI 00820 unit #F37

They start school today. I’m sure we will hear how its going soon. I hope it’s a positive experience for them. I am sure they will have some useful life experience no matter what.


OK, so  little more info. The school HannaH is going to is “St Croix Country Day School“.  ITs a college prep school, but you go home at the end of the day. We are still considering if we can afford it. I guess we will do without for a little while, at least to allow Hannah to experience that, and let us know how it is.

And while you are at it, you could tray to skype Kathi.. her skype address is “Kathi.Elser“.

Ill let you know more about Melinda and Rockwells school when I get it.



Posted on 9 January '12 by , under kids.