Sometimes I’m just not in the mood to blog..I guess I’m going though a phase.

We went to the park yesterday here is an action photo of H sliding on the roller thingy.. Too bad it looks like she is sitting still… Gotta’ get a camera that I can control exposure AND shutter to get the affect, I guess.

And then there is M, wondering what she will play on next.

and here M is just looking cute, as usual.

Here is M’s imagination in action.. She builds some strange things sometimes… I guess you gotta see her in action to understand.

And finally, I made a deal with H yesterday, that if she read 20 books, I would take her bowling. Well, she did not waste any time.

I got into my first “confrontation” with H’s principle this last week. Evidentially, there are three parents that have been making a habit of escorting their kids to class… I’m one of them. (I’m not sure who the other two are, I though I was the only one…) So, they had a teacher cutting us off in the hallway saying:

“let them go by themselves, they have to learn to do it themselves”

I responded:

“Its not for her, she can do it fine. It’s for me, I want to see what is going on.” ( I wanted to say “She would be happy to walk to school alone if I would let her”)

And she responded:

“We don’t want parents doing that”

and I responded:

“OK. How about if I do it once a week?” (expecting her to say, “that would be fine”)

But she just repeated herself.

Then the Principle stepped in and said:

“By visiting, you cause separation anxiety in the other kids”

And I said,

“I just want to see what’s going on…”

And she said:

I’m in charge here, I’ll make sure every thing is all right”

And I said,

“Well, for instance, the teevee (that the kids that get dropped off early sit and vedge in front of) is supposed to be off after 7:30. It is now 7:35. Is it off?

She wouldn’t tell me.

(I’m confident it WAS on)

At that, I just left. No need to get into a pissing match. However, she WILL get a letter from me inquiering as to what my rights are…

Just to give R some equal time…

Posted on 28 August '04 by , under Uncategorized.