I’m not done yet.

I’m not done bragging, that is.

Rockwell just got his ABA (American Bicycle Assn) magazine in the mail.

Turns out Rockwell is ranked 30th in the state in points, and 3rd in his age bracket! In the whole state! Whats crazy is he only started racing this last summer, so he missed all the points that come with the spring series! Oh, and BTW, he did that using the tracks loaner bike.  Kathi said he is really missing his bike. One funny anecdote… Kath said that during the duathlon, the bike section of the race was a loop in a parking lot with speed bumps. While some of the kids where slowing down to go over them, Rockwell was jumping them at full speed. Funny. Sounds like Rockwell.


Also, he was promoted from the novice category to the intermediate category, so he will probably be racing against older kids when he gets back.

Anyway, here is Rockwells name in the magazine: (Click for larger picture)

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Posted on 14 February '12 by , under BMX, sports.

4 Comments to “I’m not done yet.”

#1 Posted by Rebecca (14.02.12 at 15:21 )

you can brag all you want, I love to hear it. And congrats to kids. Job well done.

but.. . . . . weren’t you against competitions and scores and that kind of thing? BIG 🙂

#2 Posted by Ed (14.02.12 at 17:04 )

Competitions and scores. I’m trying to remember that conversation in the hospital cafeteria.

A cant remember the specifics, but did it have something to do with winners/losers at a young age?

My main issue is with sports competitions being priority over academics.

#3 Posted by kathi (15.02.12 at 06:26 )

To be honest, rockwell races more becausehe loves doing it, wants to do it, begs to do it. Sometimes we have to fight and threaten him so that he will stop and take a break. He really is not a competitive kid. He will ride all day long as fast as he can whether there are other riders or not.and if he doesn’t “win” he is ok with that.(I’m not big on sports competition being a prority either. But if the kids want to participate, I will support and encorage the hobby. School is first and foremost.)

#4 Posted by kathi (15.02.12 at 06:27 )

Oh, also try to encourage fitness, wellness, and fun as well and that is why we paricipate in sports activities.