As we sat down to dinner, M said “We didn’t say our prayer” So K said, “why don’t you say it tonight M.” So M started singing (to the tune of Frere Jacques)

“God our father God our father, we thank you we thank you, for our many blessings for our many blessings, a-men a-men.”

I thought that was pretty neat. I don’t know where she learned it. It must have been at school. (she goes to 3k 3 days a week at the local Baptist church.)

Here is R as a happy baby. He has some kind of virus causing yuck on his face, but as his father, I still think he is the best looking baby on the planet. 🙂

Thanks to R’s cousin Kimm, I have some photos of R last Christmas. Thanks Kimm!

Here he is with all of his cousins (once removed) sorta funny, how there is a generation gap there.

OK, there was one generation gap in the last picture, here is another generation gap, the other direction. Still sorta funny, when you think about it!!

Posted on 14 October '04 by , under Uncategorized.