We went to the Colonial times celebration at the NA living history park (its about 6 blocks from our house)

I really like this event, because its not commercial at all. They have a corner where people are selling stuff, but most of the tents are just manned by people who want to explain how things worked “back in the days” I hope it stays as popular and uncommercial as it is for a bit. Here are the girls trying to pet a sheep. This sheep was not wanting for attention, it was wanting for FOOD! Guess you had to be there.

Here is the demonstration of the cannon fire process… It my be small, but it is loud!!

Here is a example of the uncommercialnes.. This guy was just happy to show the kids how these toys worked… He was not hawking them.

This spinster was cool.. She asked H If she was the oldest sister, and H confirmed.. Then she asked how old she was, and the lady said, “well, your not old enough to learn to spin! Come back when your older” in a serious voice.. But then explained that it was the oldest sisters duty to learn, and she will have to teach her younger sisters. H was pretty entranced by it.

M and R got the short end of the stick in the pictures today… Sorry you guys. Here is H holding a fox skin.. She just figured out that animals have to die for skins and for us to eat them. I’ll let you know if it has any affect on her appetite. 🙂

This is the second year we attended this. Lat year I took my movie camera, so If your reading this years from now, there aught to be some film of it laying around somewhere.

Today was also the NA homecoming parade.. It passed right out in front of our house..The girls watched and collected candy, while R took a nap.

The next event is the “Jack-o-Lantern Jubilee” which also has a parade. We were out of town last year, but we will attend this year.

Posted on 17 October '04 by , under Uncategorized.