Hannah’s Schedule
Here is Hannah’s Schedule. Turns out all of her classes are “honors” classes. (Except for gym and band). In the first semester of Fresheman year?
This is sort of interesting to me. Call me ignorant, but I really did not realize that what you did in middle school translated this significantly into high school. It goes to show that taking school seriously, as early as possible, really counts down the line.
It plays into a fear of mine. When I was younger, in HS, I did not participte in wrestling, because all the others on the team had started wrestling in middle school. Perhaps my fears where not as unfounded as I later thought? Still, that should not have stopped me. I should have tried out anyway. I guess I was too much of a perfectionist. I do not have that issue anymore.
Melinda, however, might have that perfectionist tendancy… hmm. I’ll have to keep an eye on that.
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