We went to eat with H at school this week. It was good to see other parents there.
Before we left, the teacher invited us to walk H back to class.. Where she posed with her holiday project.
Here is Shieba girl… She is so sweet. How can you not love this dog? (we really do love her, but only people that know Shieba personally will appreciate the incongruity of our affection.) I’m afraid ole’ Shieba is not long for this planet… And we are going to miss her dearly.. She really has been a terrific Dog. She only barks at strangers, She never jumped on people or furniture, She was (relatively) low maintenance, She had a real personality, It was always humorous how she attached herself to some, and rejected others. And people really took it personally! (I guess I would have too) Anyway, She is getting old, and We are sad about that.
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