How was everyone’s Thanksgiving? Swell, I hope.

Here is the bird we deep fried.. Why, its bigger than R!!

We deep fried two 10 pound birds.. The great think about deep frying is It only takes 3.5 minutes /pound, and so far, it seems like one (me?) just can’t screw up! They taste delicious.

We also made Lithuanian dumplings. Here is a short video of H learning how to be a proper Lugan Girl.

Here is one I call “waiting for mom”. R just pining at the door, waiting for mom to come back in.

And here is H with her aunt Christine’s ball python… M is not shy, is she… How come I’m not suprised?

Teri, Here is a video Just for you. It involves Cali… If you don’t have a viewer, I suggest you go to the link and download it now…

Speaking of Teri, K was looking at and there was a picture of Lars on there. Out of nowhere, M comes from behind her and points to the picture and says “LARS!”

I guess this family blog thing really works.

Posted on 26 November '04 by , under Uncategorized.