[stereotypical parental statement] H is growing up. Isn’t she beautiful?

And who is this handsome fellow on his way to Christmas Eve service?

Here are the kids spreading reindeer food before we go to bed. Gotta feed Santa’s helpers, doncha know. I suppose I can take this moment to belatedly answer Tammy’s question about Santa… Yes, Tammy, there is Santa Claus for the Elser household. We don’t see any negative meaning to him, and we make sure it doesn’t diminish the story of Jesus birth.

[parental boasting] I am a lucky guy.

Here is our dear child with one of her babies dreaming of sugar plums.

M KNOWS these came from Santa, because mom would NEVER buy her markers…

Here is M opening her gift from her Godmother Melinda.. She is saying “oh man oh man oh man” over and over.. I don’t know where she learned that term, and I have never heard her say it before, but I am probably the guilty party. Anyway, she was quite excited about it. (It was a bitty baby high chair)

No kidding, this is one of the two things H wanted for Christmas.. A flashing red reindeer nose. Go figure. Art supplies was the other thing. We got her some real paints and brushes and easel and she is going to go to some lessons for young people at the local art school.

Its not often you see children forgoing opening other presents to stop and read a book.. Either you should be impressed, or she already figured out that there are clothes in the other packages.. heheh. Sorry grandma Terri. 🙂 Thanks for the clothes AND the books.

Here is my gift from K.. I absolutely love it. She took a oil painting from my Great Grandfather, and had it professionally framed. It is terrific.

M’s Godmother Melinda has started a really nice tradition. She buys M a ornament at Christmas. They are really nice, and will make for neat memories when she gets older.

Posted on 25 December '04 by , under Uncategorized.