September Activities.

Hannah practicing before a football game. She is in the drum line.. because Bassoon does not do marching band.. She is clearly not excited I’m taking pictures.. lol.



We went Geocaching one evening.. Found this face hidden in the woods.




Rockwell had a dance at his school.. He ended up being quite popular behind the cotton candy machine.IMG_6317


The girls wanted to go to a Bernie Sanders rally in Columbia.. We ended up bing the ONLY people to bring a sign! They let us in, but only if we “removed the stick”..


While I did not see the local news, I know we were in multiple shots that evening!




On the way home, we stopped at a McDonalds that had an automated Kiosk. It was not that pleasant to use.IMG_6379


Young Makers! Charles showed how he made a program on A Raspberry Pi. THe kids wre really interested! More than this picture shows. 🙂IMG_6423




Posted on 30 September '15 by , under Activities, kids.