Christmas Crash

I got the chance to ride the greeneway with a friend. I guess I was a little excited, because I was not paying the attention I know I should at the treacherous wood bridge.. (that bridge has gotten me twice before while I was running). It was in the morning before the sun burned off the dew, and the bridge was slick.. the front wheel went right out on me, and I was in clipless shoes. I was more mad than hurt though… Mad that I allowed it to happen, and SUPER mad that I was not wearing gloves! That said, I’m 51, and I got up and all that was wrong was I was missing a bunch of skin. I even finished the ride, along with a couple PR times! 🙂
Here is the leg.. but my palm was the worst for it… arrg.


But Hey, I did 14 more miles after the crash, so it must not have been that bad.


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Posted on 29 December '15 by , under Activities.