Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the Elser family “BLOG”. (For the uninitiated, “BLOG” is short for “Web Log”.)
Anyway, since we have family that is far and away all time, we thought this would help Y’all keep up with what is happening down here in sunny South Carolina.
First news for you, we have started our 2004 Garden! Go Here for Garden News.
Second, We have been keeping track of the books Hannah has been reading. Go here for Hannah’s book list.
Yesterday was Hannah’s first “science fair”. I volunteered to help the teacher.
The class experiment was “Will it float or sink” and the kids had to guess if “it”, well, sank or floated!
Things like crayons, cotton balls, paper clips, pencils, rubber bands, etc.
So, do you think you know the answers? I was suprised at a couple of them. Crayola’s floated, but other brands sank. Cotton balls sank. (that suprised me untill I thought about it) Amazingly, for being Kindergarteners, they did amazingly well.
Warning- parental boasting ahead-
Hannah was the second person in her class and about the 7th in the 7 kindergarten classes to reach the first grade level in both Reading and Math. She’s so smart! 🙂
Anyway, thats all for now. Email us and tell us what you think of the site!
Love, Ed and family.
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