We trimmed the tree this week! The kids are really getting into it.
Not sure what these guys are up to but it looks like no good.
Kathi chaperoned Hannah’s class to the zoo in Columbia. Hannah said they had a great time. Kathi said that some of the teachers were teasing her because Kathi was actually having the kids take the notes and answer the questions that the parent chaperone’s are supposed to have them do. (Implying that most parents don’t do it?)
Nice lion shot.
While I worked on the rental house (its getting old quickly) Kathi took the kids to the science center in Augusta.
silly pictures that are mandatory.
Here is one I titled “Many Rockwells”
Here is some news. Hannah was invited to join the Gifted and Talented (GT) program at her school. Hopefully she will get something out of the extra work. perhaps will do better in a couple of her classes? (like reading?? doh.)
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