VBS was this week. We went to the program at a friends church. His wife was running it. They had about 150 kids there.. Pretty good turnout! The kids had a lot of fun. The last day they performed a skit, with all the kids singing in between. It was very well done. A whole lot of work went into it, I know that. (first time in three years I was just a “observer”..)
And, VBS lets me show off the “Nannyrama” feature (Thanks for reminding me Mike!) on my new camera.. It’s almost 100 degrees, and if I got a wide angle lens, I bet it could do 150. It does it by having you take three shots. The camera puts up a display that helps you line up your shot. it works perfectly. My grandmother would have loved a camera with this feature. She used to do it the old fasioned way all the time.
Here they are singing. ( I mistyped that.. it almost said “here they are sining” ha!)(click on the picture for a larger version.)

Posted on 28 June '08 by , under Uncategorized.