Another link has been added on the right! Elan Coy, Shelly’s Fiance’ started a blog. Now that I have linked to it, he will have to keep it up. 🙂 For any of you that want to know what its like to be a twenty-something in the new century, I suppose it might give you some insight.
I still have not taken a picture of the decimated sisters garden… You should have seen it… Not only was the corn knocked over, the stalks were flat! But I drove by yesterday, and half the corn is standing right back up and is fine! Nature is a incredible thing, no?
I visited Hannah’s “CCC” lab today. That’s the lab where they spend 10-15 minutes on computers each day, and it evaluates where they are in the curriculum. According to the teacher, Hannah is at 1.31 in math, and 1.51 in reading. Which is first grade level. She is doing fine. The teacher said they are getting new computers next year. Evidentially the old ones are 8 years old. She said that she has been there 18 years, and this is only the third time that they are being replaced.. They last an average of 9 years… I have to say, that is a pretty good investment. Who would have thought that computers would have been a good investment? Not me.
Posted on 14 May '04 by admin, under Uncategorized.
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