OK, I have been collecting up some pictures since the hard drive disaster. Here are some from the last couple months in no particular order. 🙂
First, the kids made a gingerbread house. they decorated, I did the infrastructure of making the house itself. they did a good job IMHO.
If you did not know, Hannah plays the bassoon. I think she chose it just to annoy her mother. Its an interesting instrument, but a pain to assemble every day.
And, Kath is officially a OTA. she not only graduated, (with honors) but she has passed the certifications, and I believe she just got registered in SC and GA. now all she needs is a job. 🙂
fancy sash there ehe?
Over the Christmas season, there is a forest walk called “lights of the south” where you go through the woods and look at all the decorations. It was fun.
Hey, I made it into a picture.
Do y’all remember doing this? I do.
Melinda does dance class.. This was before a recital.
And this is at the recital with her friend Raven.
I went with Melinda on a field trip to the Ruth Patrick science center. Its a really nice science center in Aiken SC.
Comparing density of similar sized minerals.
Rockwell playing Basket Ball! he is #13.
Building a wood block tower. I remember being his age and doing this. It was lots of fun. Yikes; that room in the background! what the.. I’m sure Kath is going to appreciate this picture.
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