Here is H’s idea of having some fun…
OK, even I think it was pretty funny. You should have seen the video!
Great story: K had used the walmart brand of diapers for all our children, until R came along. She purchased the diapers and immediately noticed it was causing a rash, even bleeding near the velcro type attachment. She immediately wrote a letter complaining of it. Tyco (the walmart manufacturer) sent her a letter thanking her for the input, and, sent her a case of the same defective diapers.
It just so happened that she had a couple of two year old diapers of the same brand, (she found them in an old diaper bag!) and could clearly see the difference between the two. I can tell you, it was quite obvious.
So, she sends off one of the old examples and one of the new ones, pointing out the difference.
What does she get? Another case of defective diapers
She called them back, And the lady apologized profusely, and now it would appear they are actually doing something about it…They have called K a number of times in the last couple days asking questions, and thanking her for notifying them. It was a good thing K had the example of the two year old diapers… I think that is what got their attention.
Little K getting action from the worlds largest retailer. Sorta cool!
On a different tack, I said, “why help them? Let them lose market share, they will figure it out” But K didn’t care about walmart, she was worried about all the babies out there that had parents that didn’t know why they were crying… She didn’t want the babies hurt or abused… Such a liberal she is.
Anyone know what to do with two cases of defective diapers??? No, we are not going to give them to charity… That would be defeating the purpose of the whole exercise, no?
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